Describe how your data and services relate across your entire ecosystem -
from APIs and databases to message queues and beyond.
Use TaxiQL to fetch data - without resolvers or glue code - and adapts as things change.
Taxi works with your existing API schemas and specs - simply embed tags to show how data relates.
Alternatively, use Taxi to describe your APIs, CSV files, Event payloads and more
# An extract of an OpenAPI spec:
type: string
# Embed semantic type metadata directly in OpenAPI
name: CustomerId
You query. Taxi integrates & adapts.
Write queries for data using the same tags you embedded in your API specs. Taxi's query engine handles the integration, linking across APIs, databases, Kafka topics, S3 buckets, the lot.
There's no resolvers or glue code to maintain, API clients to generate, or YAML whitespace headaches.
As your API specs change, Taxi queries automatically adapt.
// Send a query for data to Orbital,
// and it builds the integration on demand,
// using metadata embedded in your API specs
find { Movies(ReleaseYear > 2018)[] }
as {
// Consumers define the schema they want.
// Orbital works out where to fetch data from
title : MovieTitle // .. read from a db
review : ReviewScore // .. call a REST API to find this
awards : AwardTitle[] // ... and a gRPC service to find this.
Got another gnarly question? We'd love to hear it. Come and chat on Slack.