
Distributing Taxi projects

Share or distribute your Taxi projects amongst other teams or the community

Once built, Taxi project and plugins can be packaged and published to a repository to allow other projects to depend on them.

Adding dependencies

Dependencies are defined in the taxi.conf project, in the dependencies section. Here's an example:

// Create a project in the acme organisation named "depends-on-sample"
name: acme/depends-on-sample
version: 0.3.0
sourceRoot: src/

dependencies: {
//   Depends on a project in the "acme" organisation called "sample", version 0.3.0
   acme/sample: 0.3.0

When running a taxi build command, the taxi-cli will first ensure that all dependent projects have been downloaded, and are present in the local cache.

Adding a dependency requires you to specify the repository to download it from:

repositories: [
      // The name of the repository.  Optional, but used to reference credentials
      name: "my-corporate-nexus",
      url: "http://localhost:8081",
      // Optional.  Defines the type of repository being used.  Currently only 'nexus' is supported,
      // so this can be omitted.
      type : "nexus",

      // Settings specific to the repository provider.
      // Below settings shown are applicable to a nexus repository
      settings: {
         // The name of the repository as defined within nexus
         repositoryName : taxi

For more details on how to define dependencies, and configure repositories to download them from, see here

If you're editing your taxi.conf file in VSCode using our plugin, saving changes to your taxi.conf will trigger the download of any dependencies.

However, be aware that where most other changes in VS Code take place as you type, downloading of dependencies requires you to save the file first.

Publishing taxonomies

Projects are published by running the taxi publish command, from within the same directory that contains your taxi.conf file.

You must first configure a publishToRepository in your taxi.conf file:

publishToRepository: {
   url: "http://localhost:8081/"
   name : "nexus"
   settings: {
      repositoryName : taxi

Credentials can be stored elsewhere, following the rules for taxi.conf merging, as discussed here.

Having configured a repository to publish to, running taxi publish from the directory with your taxi.conf file will trigger the deployment:

Here's a sample output:

$  taxi publish
Taxi version @22a6a51
Adding file /sample-project/taxi.conf
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-enum.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/sub-src/Test-C.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-D.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-B.taxi
Adding file /sample-project/src/Test-A.taxi
Publishing package taxi/sample/0.3.0 from /tmp/sample-0.3.0.zip to http://localhost:8081/
Will attempt to publish to http://localhost:8081//repository/taxi/taxi/sample/0.3.0/sample-0.3.0.zip using basic auth credentials supplied
Artifact uploaded successfully

Sharing taxonomies with Nexus

Currently, Sonatype Nexus is the best way to publish and share Taxi repositories.

This guide does not cover the basics of installing and getting Nexus running, and assumes you've already got a Nexus instance running somewhere. However, for a quick getting started, you can always use the Nexus Docker image, as follows:

$ mkdir /some/dir/nexus-data && chown -R 200 /some/dir/nexus-data
$ docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus -v /some/dir/nexus-data:/nexus-data sonatype/nexus3

This will give you a local running nexus at https://localhost:8081.

Creating a Taxi repository

In Nexus, Taxi repositories are defined as Raw repositories.

  • Log in to Nexus with admin credentials, and create a new repository. From the list of repository types, select "raw (hosted)"
  • Give the repository a name. This is the name that will be used in your repository config section in your taxi.conf file.
  • Configure the rest of the repository settings, including redeployment policies and blob store
  • Click "Create Repository"

Updating your taxi.conf file to publish

In the taxi.conf file of the project you wish to publish to your new repository, add the following:

publishToRepository: {
   // This name is used to look up credentials for auth
   name: "my-corporate-nexus"
   // The base url of the nexus
   url: "http://localhost:8081/"
   settings: {
      // The name you assigned to your repository when creating it in nexus
      repositoryName: taxi-on-nexus

If necessary, also add credentials - either in your projects taxi.conf file (not recommended), or on your system's taxi.conf at ~/.taxi/taxi.conf:

credentials: [
   {repositoryName: "my-corporate-nexus", username: "jimmy", password: "pass123"}

Best practices for sharing taxonomies

Publishing and sharing taxonomies is maturing within Taxi. We currently only support a single repository (nexus), but can add support as required for other repositories.

PR's are welcomed in this regard too.

To see the areas of the code related to sharing projects, explore the links below


Code areaPurpose
Package ImporterResponsible for downloading dependencies
Package Repository APIThe public configuration API for managing dependencies on other packages
Publish Plugin CommandPackages and uploads a custom plugin to an external repository
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