
Querying with TaxiQL


TaxiQL is Taxi’s query language for fetching and transforming data across your systems. Rather than writing integration code against specific APIs or databases, TaxiQL lets you declare what data you want using semantic types.

When you write a TaxiQL query, you’re describing the meaning of the data you need, not where to find it. Query engines like Orbital use these semantic types to automatically discover and orchestrate the necessary service calls - whether that’s a simple database query, or a complex flow across REST APIs, message queues, and serverless functions.

This semantic approach means your queries remain stable even as your architecture evolves. As services change their APIs or data moves between systems, TaxiQL adapts automatically, eliminating the traditional maintenance burden of integration code.

Basic syntax

The basic syntax of a TaxiQL query looks like this:

// Find all the people
find { Person[] }

// Find a person named Jim
find { Person( FirstName == 'Jim' ) }

// Find all the people named Jim
find { Person[]( FirstName == 'Jim' ) }

// Find a stream of person events from somewhere
stream { PersonEvents }

Query types

Use find for one-time queries that return a response, and stream for continuous data streams like event feeds or real-time updates.


Constraints restrict the operations that are called - operations will only be called if they can satisfy the specified constraints:

// Only calls services that can filter by FirstName
find { Customer(FirstName == 'Jimmy') }

// Multiple constraints
find { Customer[](
   FirstName == 'Jimmy' && 
   LastName == 'Smith'
) }

Services declare their constraint capabilities:

service CustomerService {
   // Declares support for FirstName and LastName filtering
   operation findCustomersWithName(@PathVariable first : FirstName, @PathVariable last : LastName):Customer(FirstName == first && LastName == last) 

service CustomerDatabase {
   // Tables implicitly support filtering on all fields
   table customers : Customer[]

Type-based constraints

Constraints use Types (like `FirstName`), not field names, aligning with Taxi's semantic type system.

Combining multiple criteria

Criteria can be combined using either AND (&&) or OR (||):

// Find all people born in the year 2010.
find { Person[]( DateOfBirth > '2010-01-01' && DateOfBirth <= '2010-12-31' ) }

The following operators are supported in a query - although support is determined by the actual services running.

==Equal to
!=Not equal to
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
<Less than
<Less than or equal to

Client-side filtering

For additional filtering after data retrieval, use filter functions:

// Filter applied in TaxiQL engine after data is fetched
find { Customer[].filter(FirstName -> FirstName == 'Jimmy') }

// Multiple conditions
find { 
   Customer[].filter(customer -> 
      customer::FirstName == 'Jimmy' && 
      customer::Age > 21

Service filtering vs TaxiQL expressions

  • Server-side constraints are more efficient as they reduce data transfer, but you're limited to the APIs your data sources expose.
  • Filtering using TaxiQL expressions is flexible and powerful, but may result in more data being transferred over the wire, and more load on your services

Given statements vs find constraints

Understanding how given statements differ from constraints in find statements is crucial for writing effective queries.

Given statements

A given statement makes data available to your query. This can include ids or values to provide into services.

given { optionalVariableName : VariableType = 'value' }
...rest of the query...

// Uses the email address to search for a Customer
given { emailAddress : EmailAddress = 'jimmy@demo.com' }
find { Customer }

// The variable name is optional
given { EmailAddress = 'jimmy@demo.com' }

However, unlike constraints, given statements don’t constrain which operations can be called.

// Makes OrderStatus available but doesn't constrain the query
given { status : OrderStatus = 'PENDING' }
find { Order[] }
service OrdersService {
   // This operation will be called because the Order[]
   // query isn't constrained, even though it returns
   // orders of any status
   operation getAllOrders():Order[]

Given and Operations

The presence or absence of constraints affects which operations are eligible to be called:

// Example 1: No constraints
given { customerId : CustomerId = '123' }
find { Customer }

service CustomerApi {
   // Both operations are eligible because either could
   // satisfy the unconstrained Customer request
   operation getRandomCustomer():Customer 
   operation getCustomer(CustomerId):Customer

// Example 2: With constraints
given { customerId : CustomerId = '123' }
find { Customer(CustomerId == customerId) }

service CustomerApi {
   // Won't be called - can't satisfy the CustomerId constraint
   operation getRandomCustomer():Customer 
   // Will be called - matches the constraint
   operation getCustomer(CustomerId):Customer

Common pitfall

Don't assume that providing data in `given` will restrict which operations are called. If you need specific data, use constraints in your `find` statement.


Projections are a way of taking data from one place, then transforming & combining it with other data sources.

TaxiQL engines use the information present on the object being projected in order to call services and find other information.

You can project from a pre-defined type to another predefined type - such as:

model Purchase {
   transactionId : TransactionId
   customerId : CustomerId
model CustomerTransaction {
  transactionId : TransactionId
  name : CustomerName
  price : Price

find { Purchases[] } as CustomerTransaction[] 

It’s also very common to project from a predefined type to a type defined inline within your query (called ‘anonymous types’). e.g.:

model Purchase {
   transactionId : TransactionId
   customerId : CustomerId

find { Purchases[] }
as {
  // Projections let you change field names, and reshape objects as required
  txn: TransactionId
  // Not present on the original Purchase object, so try to
  // find it using something we already know (in this case, the CustomerId)
  customerName: CustomerName

Data discovery

TaxiQL engines automatically discover and combine data from different services based on the types in your projection.

Field shorthand

If you want to select fields present on the source type as-is, you can reference the field by it’s field name, leaving out the type:

model Order {
   id: OrderId
   status: OrderStatus
   items: OrderItem[]
   customer: CustomerId
   total: OrderTotal

// Select specific fields
find { Order[] } as {
   id        // Selects OrderId
   status    // Selects OrderStatus
   total     // Selects OrderTotal

Using a spread operator

You can use a spread operator (...) to include all fields (or exclude certain fields) from a model:

find { Order[] } as {
   ...            // Include all Order fields
   tracking: {    // Add extra fields
      location: Location
      status: ShipmentStatus

// Exclude specific fields
find { Order[] } as {
   ... except { total, customer }  // All fields except total and customer

The spread operator must be the last entry in the list of fields in your model definition.

Projection scopes

Creating a projection requires the syntax something as { ... }, which defines a projection scope:

find { Customer } as { // start a projection scope, containing a customer
   // ... omitted ...

If you’re projecting an array, then each item within the array is projected separately:

find { Customer[] } as { // start a projection scope. 
   // Within the scope, each item is an individual Customer instance
   firstName : FirstName
}[] // Be sure to include the array marker at the end, as the object is an array.

If you need to, you can assign a name to the item within the scope. This can be useful for nested scopes, or controlling inputs into a function. e.g.:

find { Customer[] } as (customer:Customer) -> {
   // referencing a field by it's name on Customer
   firstName : upperCase(customer.firstName)
   // referencing as field by it's type on Customer
   lastName : upperCase(customer::LastName)

   // using a variable within a constraint:
   purchases: Purchase[](CustomerId == customer::CustomerId)
   // without referring to a variable, Age is resolved against all variables in scope
   age : Age  

Or, when using nested scopes:

find { Customer[] } as (customer:Customer) -> {
  name : CustomerName
  orders : Order[] as (order:Order) -> {
     ageAppropriate : Boolean = customer.age >= order.recommendedAge

Or, to provide inputs into functions:

model Film {
   title : FilmTitle inherits String
   headliner : ActorId
   cast: Actor[]

find { Film[] } as (film:Film) -> {
   title : FilmTitle
   // singleBy selects a single item from
   // an array (film.cast, an array of Actor), that matches a predicate
   // (in this case, there the actor ID is the same as the headliner id)
   star : singleBy(film.cast, (Actor) -> Actor::ActorId, film.headliner) as (actor:Actor) -> {
      name : actor.name
      title : film.title

Using variables to modify what's in scope

By default, the scope contains the entire source object. e.g.:

model Film {
  title : Title
  cast : Actor[]

find { Film ) as { 
   // this scope contains an entire film record

You can modify this by specifying the type of the variable in scope:

find { Film } as (Actor[]) -> { // note that film has been removed from the scope...
  title : Title //... therfore title isn't knowable -- this field will return null
  actorName : ActorName

You can also use functions to further reduce the scope:

find { Film } as (first(Actor[])) -> {
   // Now, the scope only contains a single actor
   headliner : ActorName
} //  We're not projecting an array anymore, so no aray marker here

Finally, if the data defined in the scope isn’t available on the source, TaxiQL triggers a query to find it. e.g.:

// Define a few models
model Film {
   id : FilmId inherits Int
   title : Title inherits String
model Actor {
   name : ActorName inherits String
model Cast {
   actors : Actor[]

// And some services that return them
service Films {
   operation getFilm():Film
   operation getCast(FilmId):Cast

// Here's a query:
find { Film } as (Actor[]) -> {
  actorName : Name
  filmTitle : Title // should be null, as it's out-of-scope on Actor

In the above query:

  • getFilm() is called, to fetch the Film
  • The projection requests an Actor[] in the scope, which isn’t available, so…
  • A call to getCast() is made, passing the FilmId to fetch the Actor[]
  • Because it’s an array, each Actor within the array of Actor[] is projected individually
  • actorName is read from the name field on Actor, because the requested field asks for the type Name
  • filmTitle is out-of-scope, so returned as null

Declaring multiple variables in scope

In the previous example, we saw that filmTitle was returned as null, because the Film was removed from scope.

To run the same query with Film in scope, simply add it to the projection:

find { Film } as (Film, Actor[]) -> {
  actorName : Name
  filmTitle : Title // Title is now discoverable, as Film is in scope

Streaming queries

Streaming queries are executed in the same way as request/response queries, but use the stream keyword instead of find.

For example - assuming a Kafka topic emitting stock price updates:

model StockPrice {
  symbol : StockSymbol
  price : StockPrice

service KafkaService {
   stream stockPrices : Stream<StockPrice>

This can be queried using the following:

stream { StockPrice }

This can be combined with other standard querying tools, such as projections and mutations:

stream { StockPrice } as {
  symbol : StockSymbol
  updateReceived : Instant = now()
  currentPrice : StockPrice
  totalTradedQuantity : TotalTradedQuantity
call TradeBookService::saveTradeSnapshot

Filtering streams

To filter a stream, you can use the filterEach() function:

stream { StockQuotes.filterEach( StockSymbol -> StockSymbol == 'AAPL' ) }

Expressions in queries

Taxi allows the definition of expressions on both types and fields.

Often, expressions are used in a projection within a query.

You can also use them on a model to expose derived information when a model is parsed (eg., when return from a service). So, while documentation here focuses on query projections, you can do everything here on a model too.

Writing an expression in a projection

Expressions can be defined in the fields of a projected result from a query:

find { Flights[] }
as {
  flightNumber : FlightNumber
  totalSeatsAvailable : TotalSeats
  soldSeats : SoldSeats
  remainingSeats : Int = (this.totalSeatsAvailable - this.soldSeats)

Expressions can be defined in two ways - on a field, or on a type.

Expressions on a field

// Expression types on a field:
find { Flights[] }
as {
  flightNumber : FlightNumber
  totalSeatsAvailable : TotalSeats
  soldSeats : SoldSeats
  // field expressions can be defined EITHER using field references...
  remainingSeats : Int = (this.totalSeatsAvailable - this.soldSeats)
  // ...or type references...
  remainingSeats : Int = (TotalSeats - SoldSeats)

Expressions on a type

To encapsulate common expressions, you can define a type with the expression:

// Expression type:
type RemainingSeats = TotalSeats - SoldSeats

// Which is then used on a projection:
find { Flights[] }
as {
  flightNumber : FlightNumber
  totalSeatsAvailable : TotalSeats
  soldSeats : SoldSeats
  remainingSeats : RemainingSeats

Unlike field expressions, type expression cannot use field names, and can only reference other types.

Data discovery within expressions

When evaluating an expression, first on the source object being projected is checked for the input values into the expression.

If any inputs are not available, then a search is performed using the current data available on the source object in an attempt to look up the value.

Finally, if no data is found in scope, then services are called to fetch the required data. The variables available in the current projection scope are available as inputs into services.

Data discovery rules

When projecting, TaxiQL engines will use information present on the source object to discover data on the target object.

Data can be fetched from a single operation that returns the value, or by invoking a chain of operations to return the value.

Operations with @Id fields on return types

If the result of an operation is an object that exposes an @Id field, then only operations which accept that @Id field as an input will be called. e.g.:

model Customer {
  @Id customerId : CustomerId
  name : CustomerName

service CustomerService {
   // Can be called when projecting, because
   // Person has an @Id of type PersonId

   // Cannot be called when projecting, because
   // Person has an @Id, and it isn't PersonName

Operations without @Id fields on return types

If the result of an operation is an object that does not expose an @Id field, then it can be called with any information available.

Filling in nulls

By default, if a service returns a null value, the data is accepted it as-is.

However, if query annotates a field on a projection type with @FirstNotEmpty, TaxiQL engines will attempt to populate values by invoking operations to populate the missing values.

A search is performed using the other values present on the entity being projected as potential inputs to operations, and build a path to populate the missing values.

Operations are invoked following the standard Data Discovery Rules

Named queries

Queries can be defined within your Taxi project, and reused:

// Define a query
query FindPendingOrders {
   find { Order[](Status == 'PENDING') }

// With parameters
query FindOrdersByStatus(status: OrderStatus) {
   find { Order[](Status == status) }

Including / excluding services from a query

TaxiQL allows you to control which services are called during query execution using the using and excluding keywords. This helps you manage query execution paths while maintaining the declarative nature of TaxiQL.

Including specific services

Use the using keyword to specify which services or operations should be called:

find { Film[] } as {
   title: Title
   reviews: ReviewScore
using { 
   FilmService::getFilms,    // Specific operation
   ReviewService             // Entire service

You can include:

  • Specific operations using ServiceName::operationName
  • Entire services using just the service name
  • A mixture of both

For example:

model Film {
   title: FilmTitle inherits String
service FilmService {
   operation getFilms():Film[]
   operation getBlockbusters():Film[]
service NetflixService {
   operation getFilms():Film[]

// Only call specific operations
find { Film[] }
using { FilmService::getFilms, FilmService::getBlockbusters }

// Mix services and operations
find { Film[] }
using { FilmService::getBlockbusters, NetflixService }

Inclusion behavior

When using the `using` keyword, only the specified services and operations will be called. All other services and operations are excluded from the query plan.

Excluding services

Alternatively, use the excluding keyword to specify which services or operations should NOT be called:

find { Film[] }
excluding { 
   ImdbApi,                      // Exclude entire service
   RottenTomatoes::getReviews    // Exclude specific operation

This is useful when you want to allow most services but need to prevent specific ones from being called.

Table operations

You can also include or exclude table operations:

service FilmService {
   table films: Film[]

// Exclude the films table
find { Film[] }
excluding { FilmService::films }

Service validation

TaxiQL validates that all specified services and operations exist in your schema. Using non-existent services or operations will result in compilation errors.