Release notes - next
Bug Fixes
- cli: package command copies created package to correct directory (9c429dc)
- docs: update docs on querying, clarifying projection behaviour (iteration vs transformation) (429737a)
- fix broken method (8ebbc8b)
- vscode: changes to tmgrammar to improve syntax highlighting within vscode (94da9aa)
- vscode: improved tmgrammar file to detect services, operations, queries and nested types (e26bb46)
- cli: taxi-cli now supports generating orbital config optionally (3f46f8b)
- codegen: Add taxiql-codegen, taxiql-client and React examples (10ec800)
- compiler: partial models cannot be closed (b75be11)
- constraints: support defining constraints using type references against variables (4e36ef6)
- language-server: implemented semantic highlightling (56e394b)
- taxi-cli: upgrade linereader, cli now supports generating orbital config files (0ada168)
- vscode: added support for multiple taxi projects open within vscode (e5606dc)